If you are attending SCARAB Gaming Convention this January, you can win games by playing games! See their site or attend the con for full details
SCARAB’s Play-to-Win system is not just for Board Games, though, it’s also for RPGs.
Want more chances to win? Fill out the SwarmCast PodCast Game Review Form for any game played at the convention to be entered in a special prize drawing. We may even use some of your review on the show!
Keep it short and sweet: no need to give us a blow-by-blow recount of your entire game. We generally format our reviews by highlighting something Good, Bad, and Other. Here’s the questions you should keep in mind:
Game Reviews
- Your Name
- Type of Game - Board Game, RPG, Other
- The Game Name (include the system or scenario if applicable)
- Would you recommend this game to others?
- Would you buy this game?
- The Good - What did you like about this game?
- The Bad - What didn't you like about this game?
- The Other - Anything else to say about this game?
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